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© WWF-Canon / Jürgen Freund

Muslim Mosque in Binongko

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2 – 12 November 2009

You cannot mistake the religion  of this area. Five times a day, we would hear the Imam sing from loudspeakers of nearby mosques. I loved it.

This young man walks to the mosquee for his noontime prayersThis young man walks to the mosque for his noontime prayers

Our WWF companion Sugiyanta or Mas Sugi as everyone called him, brought Yogi to an old Mosque in Binongko. After getting permission from the Imam for Yogi to photograph their prayers, Sugi disappeared to his own praying world.

I know ffrom Sugi that we all pray for the same universal thing. We both pray for safety, good health, happiness, peace . . .I know from Sugi that we all pray for the same universal thing. We both pray for the safety of our families, good health, happiness and yes, world peace These boys, after the first shy moments, gather around for the picture!These boys, after the first shy moments, gather around for the picture They stand with character and pride. These boys will grow up to be good people. I just know itThey stand with character and pride. Beautiful impish boy in his praying garbBeautiful boy in his praying garb This old man went to Yogi twice to say Termia kasih. Thanking Yogi for visiting their mosqueThis old man went to Yogi twice to say "terima kasih", thank you. Thanking Yogi for visiting their mosque

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