16 April 2009
N8 51.086 E119 55.042
Rangers – NAVY

- Team Leader: Elmer “Jhing” F. de los Santos
Secille tills their little garden for the ranger's vegetable needs
- Secille G. Balot
Romy assists in catching a baby booby for bird banding
- Romeo “Romy” O. Bellezo
Richard sings, cooks and yes handles a rifle just in case intruders appear
- Richard C. Iglesias
Rangers – TMO (Tubbataha Management Office)

- Segundo “Seconds” F. Conales Jr.
Manny skillfully handles a green turtle the best way without hurting the animal
- Noel “Manny” A. Bundal
Ranger – WWF Philippines

- Eulalio “Choy” D. Calagui Jr.
Rangers – LGU (Local Government Unit)

- Jolver “Anguy” Calingao
Backs with his barbeque COTS - ranger style
- Marco “Backs” Bungar
These guys are about ready to go home after being in the station from January 24 of this year. Their three-month ranger watch is almost over, and they will be picked up by Tubbataha Management Office manager Angelique Songco.